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Usage Examples

Calling Uniswap from Near

This is an example of a Near contract interacting with an EVM contract deployed on Aurora. In this case the EVM contract is Uniswap V3. The full Uniswap API is complex, so this example only implements one function to illustrate the pattern. The function implemented in this Near contract is exactOutputSingle. The exactOutputSingle function is used to perform a token swap using a single liquidity pool where the swap is constrained to give an exact amount of the "output" token within some price limitation of the "input" token. The return value of exactOutputSingle is the amount of input token spent to make the swap.

The Near contract works as a proxy with a method called exact_output_single that takes the same input as Uniswap's exactOutputSingle. The exact_output_single function returns a Promise because under the hood it is making a Near cross-contract call to the Aurora EVM where the Uniswap code is deployed. This contract attaches a callback to the promise so that it can interpret the output obtained from Aurora and present it in a more Near-friendly way (i.e. encoding it JSON instead of a binary format).

This contract must own the assets it is using to swap inside the EVM. Therefore a prerequisite to using this contract is to transfer assets to its EVM "implicit address". See the main documentation in docs/ for more information about this concept.

Note for developers: workspace organization

This example is organized into two crates: the contract that would be deployed to a Near network, and a crate for integration testing of the contract. This layout was chosen as opposed to making the integration tests part of a tests directory in the contract crate because the purpose of the integration tests is to test the compiled Wasm (i.e. binary) artifact of the contract as opposed to testing it as a Rust library. My understanding of the note in the Rust book about the tests directory is that it is meant for testing library integrations as opposed to binary integrations. Thus I chose to factor the integration tests out as an entirely separate crate. You may or may not make a different choice in your own projects, and that's ok.

 /// Proxy for [exactOutputSingle](
/// Calls the `exact_output_single` function of a Uniswap router contract deployed on Aurora.
pub fn exact_output_single(&self, params: SerializableExactOutputSingleParams) -> Promise {
let params: ExactOutputSingleParams = params.try_into().unwrap();
let evm_token = ethabi::Token::Tuple(vec![
let evm_input = ethabi::encode(&[evm_token]);
let aurora_call_args = CallArgs::V1(FunctionCallArgsV1 {
contract: self.uniswap,
input: [

You can find the full repo of this example on the GitHub here.